Eastern Floral

Eastern Floral

Posted by rvanderheide on May 25, 2018 | Last Updated: June 2, 2021 Uncategorized

Get Ready for a Fun-Filled Summer with Eastern Floral

Memorial Day is here at last, and that means the unofficial start of summer! As the school year winds down and the temperature rises, summertime is the perfect time for flowers and your friends at Eastern Floral are here to help make your summer one of the brightest and most beautiful yet!

For children in school, summer begins the moment the final bell rings on the last day of class. In fact, rock star Alice Cooper, who penned the infamous – and controversial – 1972 hit “School’s Out” likened the feeling of the last three minutes of the last day of school to the rush of waking up to a house filled with presents on Christmas morning.

No matter how old we are, we can all look back and reminisce about the exciting prospect of an entire summer filled with fun activities and few responsibilities – oh, to be young again!

Even if summertime looks a little different than it did when we were children, it doesn’t have to be any less exciting. In fact, we still manage to pack quite a few events into the warm days and long evenings of June, July, and August.

No matter how you decide to spend your summer, don’t forget the flowers! The summer season is full of opportunities for sending flowers – you surely know someone with a birthday or anniversary in June, July or August, right? If not, consider one of these special occasions:

Memorial Day

For many, summer starts off on a somber tone as we take this special day to remember the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom. Many choose to mark the occasion by visiting a cemetery or grave site of a loved one to pay their respects, and flowers are always an appropriate way to memorialize. There are no rules when it comes to which flowers to use as a memorial – some choose traditional flowers in red or white as a nod to the American flag but choosing specific flowers or colors that had special meaning to the deceased adds a nice personal touch. If you’re unsure what is appropriate – or have no idea which flowers to choose, we’re just a phone call away and our designers are experts in helping you find a fitting tribute.

End of the school year

Many schools traditionally take the last few days of the year as an opportunity to thank teachers, aides, assistants, coaches, administrators and parents for the important roles they played throughout the school year. Although this is certainly not an obligation – nor is it expected – gift cards and flowers are always appreciated by those who have worked tirelessly throughout the year to help educate America’s youth. Even if you don’t have kids in school, but know someone who works there, a big, bold, beautiful bouquet of flowers is an excellent way of congratulating them on a job well done.


Summer season is wedding season, and weddings are all about flowers! While you won’t have to bring any flowers to the ceremony itself (we’ve got that covered), you’ll have plenty of opportunities for giving the gift of flowers for receptions and showers. Don’t forget the parents and grandparents of the bride and groom – they love flowers too! Of course, we also have a fine selection of gifts in-store that are perfect for this particular occasion.

Father’s Day

Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 17 this year, and believe it or not, Eastern Floral is your one-stop shop for all your Father’s Day gifts. Be sure to check out our selection of gift items to find something truly unique for dad. It’s okay if he isn’t exactly a “flower kind of guy,” because we have other options. If you’re in a bind and just don’t know what to get, let us know and we can help you find something special for him.

Independence Day

The Fourth of July is a mid-summer treat for all Americans! Like Memorial Day, this holiday takes on a patriotic tone, but instead of a day of reembrace, Independence Day is a day of celebration! With so many municipalities hosting parades, cookouts, and fireworks shows, there are sure to be some fun activities in your area. Perhaps you were invited to a picnic or cookout on the 4th, and what better way to show your appreciation to the host than a beautiful patriotic bouquet to help liven up the party? As the holiday nears, we will feature a special selection of red, white and blue flowers that will be the hit of any Independence Day celebration.

Labor Day

Labor Day may seem far away, but you know how fast summers seem to go! This 3-day weekend signifies the end of summer for many, but it’s still one last chance to get outside and go for a swim, ride a bike, watch a sunset, or just simply spend some time outside enjoying the marvels of nature. For many, this holiday is a salute to the working men and women of this country and a well-deserved day of rest. It’s also one last chance to enjoy some time with friends and family before the kids head back to school. No matter how you choose to celebrate Labor Day – do it with flowers!

From our family here at Eastern Floral to yours, we hope you have a safe and happy summer! Please give us a call or stop by and visit anytime you’re in the area – we’re here to help keep your celebrations bold and beautiful, all summer long.