Eastern Floral

Eastern Floral

Posted by rvanderheide on June 29, 2016 | Last Updated: June 2, 2021 Uncategorized

Celebrate Your Patriotic Pride with Eastern Floral

iStock_55091590_smallIndependence Day is Monday, but celebrations are taking place all weekend long! We’re here to help you decorate your party with patriotic pride!

Call us to discuss what we can do for you to help make this year’s celebration one to remember. We have a beautiful selection of 4th of July favorites in red, white, and blue, or we can design something extra special that you’re sure to love!

Amour by Eastern Floral

Amour by Eastern Floral

Are you hosting your own 4th of July party this year? Let Eastern Floral help you with all of your holiday flowers and decorations.

If you’re attending a picnic, party, or gathering, we also have a wide selection of plants, gifts and fresh floral designs that make lovely gifts for the host. Surprise them with something unexpected – after all, holidays are for making memories!

If you’re taking time this holiday weekend to remember a loved one who served our country, we can also help with memorial flowers. No matter what your floral desires are this weekend, we’ll be happy to help you find exactly what you need. Give us a call today at 616-949-2200.

-Have a safe and happy 4th, from your friends at Eastern Floral.