Eastern Floral

Eastern Floral

Posted by rvanderheide on March 20, 2014 | Last Updated: June 2, 2021 Uncategorized

The Best Flowers for Giving in Spring!

One flower stands out as a spring favorite among all others, because of its popularity both in cut flower arrangements or bouquets, and that is the Tulip. Although people associate Holland with tulips, the bright-colored, cup-like flower originally came from Persia, in what is now Iran. After traveling through the Himalayan foothills, tulips arrived in Turkey where they were presented to Emperor Ferdinand I as a gift.

Luckily, you don’t have to wait until later in spring to see bright-colored tulips. The Tulips Together arrangement will bring that spring into your home. Three bunches of ten stems in yellow, red and purple are neatly wrapped in bear grass and then arranged in a lovely glass vase. Give yourself, a family member or special person, a glimpse of spring freshness with the 8 Inch Bulb Garden, a tasteful ceramic planter with daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips.

You may not want to admit there are any benefits to cold winters after this past winter, but those beautiful spring flowers that sprout from the fall-planted bulbs, actually benefit from the cold winter weather. Nestled underground after establishing a root system, those bulbs absorb nutrients from the soil. That nutrition allows them to break through the ground and grow very quickly.

As soon as you see those dainty little snowdrops, you have proof that spring is on the way. Snowdrops are related to daffodils. They are considered minor bulbs, like crocuses, the next bulbs to bloom. Crocuses are short-growing cup-like flowers that come in all sorts of bright colors. Although they’re often hidden in the grass, you’ll see flashes of deep purple and yellow, and other colors, that let you know that your crocuses are there. Snow crocuses are the first to bloom, but giant Dutch crocuses are also fun!

Cherry trees are also a lovely sign of spring. Washington DC received a gift of 3,000 cherry trees from the Japanese government, and those trees are celebrated during the city’s Cherry Blossom Festival. Dewberry is a flowering shrub whose flowers bloom during spring. The flowers pave the way for the blue/red berries that ripen in time for summer. Kids have a blast while picking them and making a horrible mess.

Later in spring, expect to see hyacinths, daffodils, lilacs, and finally peonies. Plant a combination of spring flowers to make sure you have a long-lasting show-stopping display of beautiful bright spring blooms.